Saturday, August 17, 2013

The right kind of green?

How many times has anyone been in the search of the right kind of green? How many times has anyone ever thought that they’ve lost the right kind of green? Or maybe never found it? Or maybe found it without realizing it was the right kind of green?
How many times has anyone stepped out of the gravel path just to wonder at the green or maybe to try to find it?
Right kind of Green=that ‘green’ that makes one smile without any reason, that green which makes one jump for joy, that green which means ‘new philosophy’, that makes one realize that staring at the green or into somebody’s else might be similar, or that green that simply makes your day and maybe makes you feel you belong somewhere else.
Found it? The thing is that most of us find it but only realize it once they moved on with ‘another’ kind of green. It’s hilarious that sometimes the journey may start with the right kind of green but then before the journey ends one slowly realizes that on the way back the green is gone.

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